
Winter animation in pure CSS.

How This Works

Pure CSS

This is a pure CSS implementation of a Pythagoras tree with a bit of snow as an added flourish. By "pure CSS" I mean no extra HTML elements except for the bare minimum required to deliver the CSS in a valid way, so no <div class="tree"> helper elements or anything like that.

Pythagoras tree

The tree is based on the Pythagoras tree example code on Rosetta Code. I haven't found anywhere else that someone's built a pythagoras tree in CSS like this, so here's how mine works.

I set a brown background on the ::after pseudo-element on the body, and then use clip-path to hide the parts outside the tree. To create the wind effect on the branches, I generate two slightly different trees and use a keyframe animation to bounce back and forth between them.


The snow uses the same combination of background-color and clip-path as the tree, except with circles instead of polygons. The snow moves left as it falls in time with the swaying of the tree, which is supposed to create a bit of a wind effect.

Performance trade-offs

This one has slightly better performance than the CPU melting doomfire animation I made a couple of months ago, but it's still not really a technique you'd want in a production website. Who cares though? It's fun as hell making these.

And just like with doomfire, one thing I really like about this is that it takes advantage of one of the unique strengths of CSS. In this case, it's the swaying tree animation. Almost everywhere you find pythagoras trees, they're a completely static image. CSS made it fairly easy to bring this one to life with the keyframe animation, whereas most other technologies would require you to write a bunch of extra code for that.