ppl nick Manual Page


ppl nick - List, show or change nicknames


ppl nick (--no-color)
ppl nick <contact>
ppl nick <contact> <nickname>
ppl nick <contact> (-d | --delete) <nickname>


With no arguments, the nicknames of each contact in the address book are listed.

If a <contact> is specified, their nicknames are shown. If both a <contact> and a <nickname> are given, then the nickname is added to the contact. If the --delete or -d flag is set, then the given <nickname> is deleted from the specified <contact>.

If the --no-color flag is set, then the list of nicknames will be printed without any ANSI color escape codes, regardless of any configuration settings.


$ ppl nick jdoe Johnny
$ ppl nick fred Freddy
$ ppl nick jdoe
$ ppl nick
fred:  Freddy
jdoe:  Johnny

See Also