ppl bday Manual Page


ppl bday - List, show or change birthdays


ppl bday
ppl bday <contact>
ppl bday <contact> <date>


With no arguments, the dates of birth of each contact in the address book are listed.

If a <contact> is specified, the date of birth of that contact is shown.

If both a <contact> and a <date> are given, then the date is stored as the date of birth of that contact. The <date> parameter must be a valid date string parseable by Ruby’s Date.parse function.


$ ppl bday jdoe 1970-01-01
$ ppl bday adam 1975-06-01
$ ppl bday jdoe
$ ppl bday
adam:  1975-06-01
jdoe:  1970-01-01

See Also