
The one about the web developer job market

Very interesting perspective. Some of the pessimism is a little bit undermined by the software quality crisis stuff in my opinion (I simply don't buy that premise at all), but I found this an insightful piece all the same.

This paragraph in particular will stick with me I think.

Historically, whenever management adopts an adversarial attitude towards labour, the only recourse labour has is to unionise. Collective action limits the abuses of management and unionised industries tend to be more stable. This might have been a detriment to the sharply growing tech industry of a decade ago (if you believe anti-union messaging, that is), but today we are facing being outright cut out of the success of the industry. Why should we care if unionising hypothetically dampens the overall growth of the industry? It definitely dampens the downturns and since we are being cut out of the upside anyway, we might as well take measures to increase our job security.

We have the worst job environment for tech in over two decades and that’s with the “AI” bubble in full force. If that bubble pops hard before the job market recovers, the repercussions to the tech industry will likely eclipse the dot-com crash.