
Code I Like: Twig Loaders

The Twig templating library for PHP is really quite a nice piece of software. In terms of external quality, it's stable, open source, actively maintained, and well documented. I've been lucky enough to spend some time at work exploring its internals from time to time over the last 12 months or so, and I've found the internal quality to be equally high. It's a pleasure to work with code that has been properly looked after.

One particular aspect of Twig's design that I think exemplifies its internal quality is the way in which it loads template source code for compilation. There's more to it than just file_get_contents, and Twig manages that extra complexity well enough that it makes it look extremely simple.

The Hidden Complexity Of Template Loading

A first iteration of a very basic templating library would probably read template source code from a file on disk, like so.

return file_get_contents("$templateName.twig");

A mature, general purpose library like Twig, on the other hand, needs to support its users' diverse needs. Some people may not want to use the filesystem at all, because they may already have a string, or even an array of strings, ready for compilation. There's no getting away from this kind of complexity, so ideally it should be engaged head-on as a first class part of the design.

Successful Complexity Management In Twig

Twig rightly treats each different way of loading templates as a separate concern, with its own class implementing Twig_LoaderInterface. Filesystem interaction happens in Twig_Loader_Filesystem, while Twig_Loader_String serves the use-case of those who just want to compile from a string. These classes are absolutely tiny, so they're immediately comprehensible.

As well as keeping Twig's own internal code tidy, this approach provides a great deal of flexibility for anybody who needs bespoke template loading behaviour. Got some bizarre restriction forcing you to store templates in your database? Just write your own implementation of Twig_LoaderInterface and inject it into your Twig_Environment at instantiation.

You can even chain loaders together using Twig_Loader_Chain. Need to fall back to your crazy database template storage only in the event that the file isn't found on disk? Add those two loaders in that order to a Twig_Loader_Chain and inject that into your Twig_Environment.

Twig provides all this flexibility and makes it look easy, and it achieves this by a ruthless separation of concerns. It's a minor triumph of careful software design.

Failed Complexity Management In Smarty

This may seem like a lot of fuss about nothing. So Twig takes a relatively simple problem and makes it look simple, what's the big deal? It's a big deal to me because this kind of quality is actually rare.

As a counterexample, look at the approach taken by Twig's main competitor in the arena of PHP template libraries: Smarty. The Smarty equivalent to Twig's loaders all resides within one enormous "fetch" method. It's 300 lines of inflexible, incomprehensible code. The many repsonsibilities of this method include: output buffering, caching, cookies, errors, response headers, and the generation and evaluation of PHP code.

To compile a template from a string in Smarty, you must prefix your template source code with the magic incantation string: and pass it as the name of the template to this "fetch" method. If the fifth parameter - $display - is true, then "fetch" also takes charge of cache invalidation and the sending of rendered template output as part of the response body. In short, this is very untidy code with an equally messy API.

Dependency Injection Done Right

Twig's flexibility and cleanliness here is a big win for the dependency injection pattern. It's a great example of how DI isn't just about maximising testability, and of why I think DHH is a little too extreme in his criticism of it. Twig is a clear example where DI has made the API better, not worse.

$loader = new Twig_Loader_String;
$twig = new Twig_Environment($loader);
echo $twig->render('Hello !', array('name' => 'Fabien'));

As well as flexibility and code quality, this approach to loading templates happens to be very amenable to unit testing. Small classes with single responsibilities and few dependencies usually are easier to test than KLOC behemoths.

That's it, really. Twig gets this right, and I think that's worth a little praise. Go Twig.