
switch (true)

A while ago I learned a quirky little programming trick which has occasionally come in handy. It's something I picked up from some random blog post about 'cool programming tricks' that I can no longer find. It involves the switch statement, which is fairly universal in programming languages and normally looks like this:

switch (name) {
 case 'henry':
  tabWidth = 8
  tabMode  = 'tabs'
  tabWidth = 4
  tabMode  = 'spaces'

It's generally used to compare one variable, given in parentheses after the switch keyword, against a series of possible matches given in a list of case statements. The alternative usage of it that I've been very occasionally employing looks like this:

switch (true) {
 case name.length >= 20:
 case name.match(/\d{3}):
 case name.indexOf('test'):
 case name === 'special_case':


The Good

It looks a little confusing at first glance, but once you understand it, it's actually a means of improving readability. If you need a piece of code to test a very long list of conditions and then do one thing if they all pass or if one of them fails, then a switch (true) or switch (false) can do that for you without having to write one of those really unsightly over-long if statements that wrap across several lines.

It works in exactly the same way as if (x || y || z), in that once one of the cases matches, execution hops past the other conditions and your actual code starts executing. Consider that the normal alternative to my above example would look like this:

if (name.length >= 20
 || name.match(/\d{3}/)
 || name.indexOf('test')
 || name === 'special_case'
) {
} else {

I think that the switch (true) pattern can be a very elegant-looking way of handling large sets of conditions. It kind of forces the statement into either disjunctive normal form or conjunctive normal form depending on whether you use switch (true) or switch (false). The case keyword is an absolute barrier to operator precedence, so your list of cases is guaranteed to be either a conjunction or disjunction, and no amount of parentheses can overcome this simplification. For example, take this slight variation on the above code snippet:

if (name.length >= 20
 || (name.match(/\d{3}/)
 && name.indexOf('test'))
 || name === 'special_case')

Using a switch (true) statement, it would look like much clearer:

switch (true) {
 case name.length >= 20:
 case name.match(/\d{3}/) && name.indexOf('test'):
 case name === 'special_case':

The Bad

For someone who isn't familiar with the trick, however, seeing it for the first time in some code they have to maintain, it probably looks quite quirky and maybe even a little daunting to change.

It's also technically a little bit of an abuse of the language constructs. The if statement is what you're supposed to use for doing something if something else. That's why it's called "if". In some parallel universe I can imagine myself quietly wondering about the motivations of some colleague who insisted on using a trick like this.

I wish I had some conclusive point to make at the end of all this, but if anything it's that "good code" is not always clear cut. One of the guiding principles that I try my best to stick to when coding is to avoid writing quirky code. I hate quirky code, where somebody has developed their own esoteric style in defiance of prevailing standards and refused to conform. Code style is not about freedom of artistic expression any more than your pronunciation is. Code has two functions:

  • Tell a computer what to do and how
  • Tell a human what the computer is doing and why

I don't know which order those two belong in, so I've used an unordered list. I'm someone who puts a lot of importance on the second one, probably more so than most developers because of my previous background in human languages. With a foreign language the aim is to sound like an authentic native speaker, and people who flat-out refuse to attempt part of the native accent, such as the rolled Spanish 'r', often don't realise that this shyness actually draws more attention to their accent than if they actually gave it a go.

The thing about programming is that each language that you learn comes in two parts, just like with human languages. All programmers learn the first part: the grammar and vocabulary. It's really easy to forget about the second part, though: learning how to imitate the way native speakers turn that framework of rules into actual communication.

This is the main thing that puts me off the switch (true) pattern. It feels like using a really uncommon word or phrase just because technically it captures a meaning well, forgetting that the whole point of a word is to be instantly understandable by others. It may be kind of elegant semantically, but it kind of makes you sound like a beginner language learner directly translating an idiomatic phrase from their own native language.


On reflection, I think I'm more against this pattern than for it. It's a shame, because I'm convinced that it's a good fit for a certain small set of programming problems. Consider this post, then, a public apology for writing weird, quirky code and violating the sacred principle of least astonishment . It's certainly not my only offense by a long shot.