University Group Project
A bunch of us built a medical appointment scheduling app together at university. It's some of the oldest code I wrote that I still have a copy of. For nostalgia's sake, here's the contents of doctor.php
as seen in the address bar above.
//include 'includes/common.php'; $doctorID = $user->getDoctorID(); $date = isset($_GET['date']) ? $_GET['date'] : DEBUG_DATE; $res1 = $dbs->query( 'SELECT Users.lastName FROM Doctors, Users WHERE Doctors.userID = Users.userID AND Doctors.doctorID = %d', $doctorID ); $row = $res1->getNextRow(); $doctorName = $row['lastName']; $page->addData('doctorName', $doctorName); $res2 = $dbs->query( 'SELECT Appointments.appointmentID, Appointments.appointmentType, Appointments.appointmentDate, Users.firstName, Users.lastName FROM Doctors, Appointments, Patients, Users WHERE Doctors.doctorID = Appointments.doctorID AND Appointments.patientID = Patients.patientID AND Patients.userID = Users.userID AND Doctors.doctorID = %d AND appointmentDate LIKE \'%s%%\' ORDER BY Appointments.appointmentDate ASC', $doctorID, $date ); $apps = array(); while ($res2->hasNextRow()) { $row = $res2->getNextRow(); $time = substr($row['appointmentDate'], 11, 5); $name = $row['firstName'] .' '. $row['lastName']; $appID = $row['appointmentID']; $type = $row['appointmentType']; $apps[$time] = array( 'id' => $appID, 'name' => $name, 'type' => $type, ); } $tstamp = datetimeToTimestamp($date); $page->addData('doctorID', $doctorID); $page->addData('hours', array('09', '10', '11', '12', '13')); $page->addData('minutes', array('00', '15', '30', '45')); $page->addData('viewDate', date(NICE_DATE_FORMAT, $tstamp)); $page->addData('tomorrow', date('Y-m-d', $tstamp + (60 * 60 * 24))); $page->addData('yesterday', date('Y-m-d', $tstamp - (60 * 60 * 24))); $page->addData('appointments', $apps);