Get Involved!

The time has come to give this project a nudge into a slightly different mode of operation. Enough people are interested in the long term health of this little CLI app that I think it’d benefit from opening the doors a bit to potential collaborators and maintainers.

I see lots of people come and go with great ideas for this project. I love 99% of the ideas and suggestions that pop up but I just can’t keep up with all the different demands on my time. That’s the bottleneck that’s holding the project back and it’s silly, really.

For a while I’ve been wanting to do something about this. If you want to help out in any way, however small, speak up on GitHub, or email me. I’d love to add you to the organization and let you just get started making your ideas happen. Even if you just like the project, but don’t have any immediate plans to do anything in particular, that’s fine! If you’ve never contributed to an open source project before, don’t let that put you off. Everyone’s welcome!